
Deep Purple

This is me.

As you get older, you really start to understand more about why people drink the night away, smoke their lungs black, and throw themselves off buildings. You see why people cut and get to the point of explosion much quicker than others. What if we all looked the way we wanted? Our ideal weight will become reality. Our worries of financials washed away. Your love life exactly how you pictured it. Do you think we would all be happier? Or would we find a reason to hate that like we do a reality as it is now? What if one day all of our Prince Charming showed up at our door? I guarantee 90% of you will not answer your door. Why would that be? Because we see a flaw in all good things. We’ve gotten so used to the bad that it’s flawless and when we see something good we notice the differences and flaws. Some people cut. Why? Because they are one of those good things. And when the good things get hurt or even broken they become the bad

December 08, 2015

Andy Warhol said, “in the future everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes.” Today’s media is the death of the world. We celebrate when someone shoots someone or when a massacre happens. We have influenced the bombings, terrorists attacks, and suicide missions. We are influencing the bad throughout the nations but if Tom Cruise  or Johnny Depp sent a million dollars to charity how known will that be? The media celebrates when Donald Trump runs his mouth. I think the only good news is when we find a cure for cancer. The media does everything they can to make more money yet they are destroying the nation and people don’t realize it.

November 04, 2015

Today’s teens are suffering. Social media, depression, jobs, they are absorbing their lives. Social media has become a must for some to most teens nowadays rather than talking face to face. We rely on cell-phones for that matter. It has become a delema since there is no physical interaction. Depression absorbs some to little teens. It comes as where they don’t feel the need to do anything whether for embarrassment or very little energy. Today’s society is based on money. Some teens think they have to have the fanciest cars and phones. That is what is wrong with society.

October 16, 2015

Today’s generation of teens have led to a dramatic downfall within fantasies and depression. Some of the teens now are obsessed with obscenities and when they get into n actually relationship, they expect their partner to be that way. Then you have the teens whom are depressed because of that or home life. Most people don’t know what it is like, which is why they don’t reach out. I believe it is very important how people think it is okay to state some ugly beliefs about one another.

September 15, 2015

On my birthday, a kid was in a classroom and he was looking out the windows at the twin towers. His teacher asked him what he was looking at and his reply was do you see those two twin towers? They will be gone in a few days.. To have that kind of thinking, I wouldn’t act upon it.

Criminal Bigotry

Criminal Enforcement: Friend or Foe?



White people are predominantly the main race of humans in the United States, yet we are terrible people. Broad topic all in all but it did catch that soul trapped in your eyes. At least most of whites are terrible and horrific. The rest of the population claim, “Blacks are terrible! Heritage not hate!”, Meanwhile, they lack the knowledge of the background of the Confederate Flag.

Selma (Martin Luther)

Many of you know what happened in Selma. Jim Clark hit an 80-82 year old man because he was having problems sitting down on the pavement fighting for their legal right to vote. His grandson got shot because of the officer’s colleague that was holding him against the wall in a diner full of ‘black’ people. Whites charged at Martin King’s group twice on Edmund Bridge because they were non-violently protesting and gaining listeners.

Wisconsin (Steven Alvey)

White people are against their own race. Steven Alvey. Most of you do not know who this man is due to his case being in the 1980’s. Steve Alvey was an admirable man, but his family name is known for trouble. His record only showed two burglaries and an animal cruelty case, all while been a young teen. His IQ was 70 proving that the level of coping was turned to the first thing he thought of. A rape case popped up of a woman named Penny B. Immediately, the cops went after Steven Alvey. White cops denied his basic rights of a phone call, visitors, and he was put in a separate cell block away from the world basically. The cops said whether he committed the crime or not, they would make it work. The judge denied the DNA evidence that yes his DNA was on there but there was another piece of DNA found that belonged to neither parties. 18 years he spent in prison staying strong to never tell a lie. He lost his wife and four children. Luckily, he is getting his life back but nothing can give him those 18 years back. Those cops would never admit their wrong-doing.


According to the FBI, crimes committed are a four million people difference between whites and blacks. It has come down to the war of the races. John 7:24 states: Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgement. Some whites freak on the inside when they see a person of a different race. Women clutch their belongings. Men watch their backs and their women. Pierre Berton once said, “Racism is a refuge for the ignorant. It seeks to divide and destroy. It is the enemy of freedom, and deserves to be met head-on and stamped out.” Racism is taught by the inspiration and teachers we are surrounded by.

Criminal Justice

Since 1989 and many years before, our law enforcement has convicted many innocent people of crimes they didn’t commit.exonerated-art0-g2mhcm8t-10304gfx-exonerated-by-state-and-basis-eps

It’s not odd to have wrongful convictions a lot of  people are in favor of the police’s side because they will claim Probable Cause or something to protect themselves of lawsuits.


Angela Canning

After her sons’ deaths in 1991 and 1999 and serving her sentence for a year, the results of further investigation revealed that her family had a significant history of sudden death syndrome. In 2003 her conviction was overturned but her family was already split apart and a prison inmate continued harassing her. Angela Cannings was wrongfully convicted in the UK in 2002 of the murder of her two children. Her first child died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in 1989,  although she was never charged in connection with Gemma’s death. Her conviction was based on claims that she had smothered the children, but was overturned by the Court of Appeals in 2003. Cannings was convicted soon after.


Not everything is about race. Moving along to other flaws in our judicial system, sexism. While this Supreme Court case outcome was not exactly successful for women’s rights, it was a landmark case in the history of gender equality. Unanimously, the Supreme Court upheld an Oregon state law limiting women to working no more than ten hours a day. This ruling was negative in that it expressed an opinion of inequality between men and women. Claiming that the ruling was set in place to “protect” women, this result only upheld the patriarchal ideal that women are the lesser sex. However, Muller v. Oregon did ignite some positive consequences, beginning a widespread public discussion of women’s rights and gender equality.

Now one of the most infamous Supreme Court cases in history, Rowe v. Wade struck down a Texas law restricting abortion. Texas had a law in place that made it a felony for a woman to get an abortion and the courts ruled that the state’s interest in protecting both the health of a pregnant woman and the potential life needed to be balanced against a woman’s right to privacy. The Roe v. Wade decision reshaped much of politics today and started the national debate over the morality of abortion.


“Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and when they fail in this purpose they become dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress.” -Martin Luther King Jr. The opinion of the public suggests the agreement with criminal law, but most people lack to understand it. Seeing how it the criminal justice system goes, we have flaws and weaknesses. The government has secrets. Everyone does. It is up to the people to express the truth of the falling of the world.


All it takes is one look. One hug. Just to bring back every memory. And it just brings it back enough to just about kill you inside. You could look around or do anything to try and distract your mind but you cant stop remembering. Its a trap. All it takes is a shot to the heart to bring back every word you wanted to say to pour your heart out because you never had the chance to.


The waters could never drown the pain. No waters could bound me and could never silence my cries out to you. I am so sorry for everything but as of now you don’t even care. Let’s find out where this game of two leads us.